


4 October - TECA D

- 14:00 - 17:30

Integrating Accessibility in Automation: A Hands-On Playwright Workshop

In this workshop, we will dive hands-on into the world of automated accessibility testing using Playwright. Participants will learn how to implement accessibility checks into their testing routines, ensuring that digital products are usable and inclusive for all users. The workshop will cover practical exercises, setup configurations, and reporting strategies to embed accessibility into the heart of your QA processes.




3 October - TECA A

- 12:15 - 13:00

Testing for Inclusivity: QA Techniques for Diverse User Experience

This session will highlight how QA teams can make testing processes inclusive for a diverse user base, using the latest research and technologies. Participants will witness lines of code and demos demonstrating inclusive testing methodologies, gaining insights for practical application. The talk will provide valuable knowledge and inspire a perspective on technology shaped by inclusivity, promoting a future where diverse user experiences guide development and QA processes.

Ludovico Besana
Senior Test Engineer

Ludovico, born as a Full Stack Developer, discovered his true passion for quality later in his career. With a background in Full Stack Development, he possessed a strong technical foundation and a deep understanding of software systems.
As an Automation and Open Source enthusiast, Ludovico recognized the power of efficient and reliable testing methodologies. He understood the importance of ensuring that software products met the highest standards of performance, functionality, and user experience. He works as a Senior Test Engineer.

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